In today’s world, acoustics play a crucial role in building design and construction. Sound can significantly impact occupant comfort, health, productivity, and even safety.

To achieve optimal acoustic performance, building projects require expertise in noise control, vibration mitigation, and sound optimization. Here’s where Intertek, a global leader in quality assurance and testing, steps in with its comprehensive suite of building construction acoustical services.

Accredited Testing for Quality Assurance

When it comes to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of acoustical testing in your building project, accreditation plays a crucial role. It signifies that a laboratory adheres to internationally recognized standards for equipment, calibration, personnel qualifications, and testing procedures. Intertek takes pride in holding accreditations from multiple recognized bodies, solidifying their position as a trusted leader in acoustical services.

National Accreditation for Building Products

International Accreditation Service (IAS): IAS accreditation covers Intertek’s acoustical testing capabilities for various standards, including ASTM International, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and American National Standards Institute (ANSI). This demonstrates their competence in conducting a wide range of tests with adherence to rigorous international standards.

National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP): NVLAP accreditation specifically recognizes Intertek’s expertise in testing building products for compliance with national standards such as the International Building Code (IBC). This accreditation is crucial for manufacturers seeking to sell their products in the US market.

Other Accreditations

Depending on the specific requirements of your project, Intertek may hold additional accreditations from regional or industry-specific bodies. These could include the International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), European Organization for Technical Approvals (EOTA), or the Canadian Standards Association (CSA).

Benefits of Choosing an Accredited Laboratory

Selecting an accredited laboratory for your acoustical testing offers several advantages:

Quality Assurance: Accreditation guarantees that the testing process adheres to established quality management systems, minimizing the risk of errors, and ensuring the accuracy of your results.

آزمایشات صوتی، اندازه گیری و مشاوره برای محصولات ساختمانی

در دنیای امروز، صوتیات نقش حیاتی در طراحی و ساخت ساختمان دارد. صدا می تواند به طور قابل توجهی بر راحتی، سلامتی، بهره وری ساکنان و حتی ایمنی تأثیر بگذارد.

برای دستیابی به عملکرد صوتی بهینه، پروژه های ساختمانی نیازمند تخصص در کنترل نویز، کاهش لرزش و بهینه سازی صدا هستند. در اینجا شرکت اینترتک، یک رهبر جهانی در امانت کیفیت و آزمایش، با مجموعه جامعی از خدمات صوتی ساختمانی وارد عرصه می شود.

آزمایش های معتبر برای اطمینان از کیفیت

هنگام تضمین دقت و قابلیت اعتماد آزمایشات صوتی در پروژه ساختمانی خود، اعتباربخشی نقش حیاتی ایفا می کند. این نشان می دهد که یک آزمایشگاه به استانداردهای بین المللی شناخته شده برای تجهیزات، کالیبراسیون، صلاحیت های پرسنل و روش های آزمایشی عمل می کند. اینترتک با افتخار اعتباری از چندین نهاد معترف شده دارد که موقعیتشان را به عنوان یک رهبر مورد اعتماد در خدمات صوتی تثبیت می کند.

اعتبارسنجی ملی برای محصولات ساختمانی

IAS: اعتبارسنجی IAS شامل توانایی های آزمایشی صوتی اینترتک برای استانداردهای مختلف از جمله ASTM International، سازمان بین المللی استاندارهای ISO و American National Standards Institute (ANSI) می باشد. این نشان می دهد که آنها صلاحیت خود را در انجام مجموعه گسترده ای از آزمایش ها با رعایت استانداردهای بین المللی دقیق نشان می دهند.

NVLAP: NVLAP به طور خاص تخصص اینترتک در آزمایش محصولات ساختمانی برای اطمینان از تطابق با استانداردهای ملی مانند کدهای ساختمانی بین المللی (IBC) را تأیید می کند. این اعتبار برای تولید کنندگانی که می خواهند محصولات خود را در بازار آمریکا به فروش برسانند، بسیار حیاتی است.

سایر اعتبارات

با توجه به نیازهای خاص پروژه شما، اینترتک ممکن است اعتبارات اضافی از نهادهای منطقه ای یا صنعتی داشته باشد. اینها می توانند شامل شورای ارزیابی خدمات کد بین المللی (ICC-ES)، سازمان اروپایی برای تصویب های فنی (EOTA) یا انجمن استانداردهای کانادا (CSA) باشند.

مزایای انتخاب یک آزمایشگاه اعتبارسنجی شده

انتخاب یک آزمایشگاه با اعتبار برای آزمایشات صوتی شما تعدادی مزایا دارد:

ضمانت کیفیت: اعتبارسنجی تضمین می کند که فرایند آزمایش به سیستم های مدیریت کیفیت تأسیس شده پایبند است، کمینه سازی ریسک خطاها و اطمینان از دقت نتایج شما.

Reduced Risk with Accredited Testing

Having test results from an accredited laboratory strengthens your position when seeking regulatory approvals or demonstrating compliance with project specifications.

Global Accreditations

Accreditations recognized worldwide enhance the credibility of your test reports, facilitating trade and market access for building products.

Reduced Risk: Partnering with an accredited laboratory mitigates the risk of non-compliance and potential consequences like project delays or legal disputes.

Comprehensive Testing for Standard Compliance

Expand your brand’s reach through Intertek’s world-class acoustical testing. Leveraging a global network of accredited laboratories and deep expertise in building product testing, Intertek empowers you to achieve optimal acoustic performance and extend your brand’s reach throughout multiple markets across the globe. We test a wide range of building products and technologies, from traditional materials like walls and floors to cutting-edge solutions like noise-absorbing panels and smart acoustic systems.

Navigating Your Global Compliance

Our team is intimately familiar with both national and international standards, ensuring your products comply with regulations in any market you target.

Global Market Access, understanding individual market requirements and testing accordingly, we help you navigate complex regulations and gain access to new markets worldwide.

Our global network of labs eliminates geographical barriers, facilitating efficient testing and certification regardless of your product’s destination. Demonstrating compliance with international standards enhances your brand reputation and creates a competitive edge in global markets.

کاهش خطر با آزمایش‌های دارای مجوز

داشتن نتایج آزمایش از یک آزمایشگاه دارای مجوز، جایگاه شما را در جستجوی تأییدیه‌های نظارتی یا اثبات رضایت از مشخصات پروژه تقویت می‌کند.

مجوزهای جهانی

مجوزهایی که در سراسر جهان تشخیص داده می‌شوند، اعتبار گزاری نتایج آزمایش شما را تقویت می‌کند و دسترسی به بازار و تجارت محصولات ساختمانی را آسان‌تر می‌کند.

کاهش خطر: همکاری با یک آزمایشگاه دارای مجوز، خطر عدم رضایت و پیامدهای احتمالی مانند تأخیر در پروژه یا اختلافات قانونی را کاهش می‌دهد.

آزمایش جامع برای رضایت از استانداردها

با آزمایش‌های صوتی کلاس جهانی اینترتک، دامنه برند خود را گسترش دهید. با بهره گیری از شبکه جهانی از آزمایشگاه‌های دارای مجوز و تخصص عمیق در آزمایش محصولات ساختمانی، اینترتک شما را قادر می‌سازد تا عملکرد صوتی بهینه را برای برند خود ارائه دهید و دامنه برند خود را در بازارهای مختلف سراسر جهان گسترش دهید. ما آزمایش محصولات و فناوری‌های ساختمانی متنوع را انجام می‌دهیم، از مواد سنتی مانند دیوارها و کف‌ها تا راهکارهای نوین مانند پنل‌های جذب صدا و سیستم‌های صوتی هوشمند.

هدایت تطابق جهانی شما

تیم ما با استانداردهای ملی و بین‌المللی به طور دقیق آشنا است، اطمینان حاصل می‌کند که محصولات شما با مقررات هر بازاری که هدف قرار گرفته‌اید، مطابقت دارند.

دسترسی به بازار جهانی، درک نیازهای بازارهای مختلف و آزمایش مطابقتی به تبعیت از آنها، به شما کمک می‌کند تا در مقابل مقررات پیچیده هدایت شده و دسترسی به بازارهای جدید در سراسر جهان پیدا کنید.

شبکه جهانی ما از آزمایشگاه‌ها مانع مانع‌های جغرافیایی را از بین می‌برد و آزمایش و گواهی‌نامه‌دهی کارآمد را تسهیل می‌کند، بدون توجه به مقصد محصول شما. اثبات رضایت از استانداردهای بین‌المللی اعتبار برند شما را افزایش می‌دهد و یک لبه رقابتی در بازارهای جهانی ایجاد می‌کند.

International Standards for Acoustics

  • ASTM E90
    Standard test method for laboratory measurement of airborne sound transmission loss of building partitions and elements.
  • ASTM E1107
    Measures tapping machine impact sound transmission through floor-ceiling assemblies and associated support structures.
  • ASTM E492
    Standard test method for laboratory measurement of impact sound transmission through floor-ceiling assemblies using the tapping machine.
  • ASTM E336
    Standard test method for measurement of airborne sound attenuation between rooms in buildings.
  • ASTM E1007
    Standard test method for measurement of tapping machine impact sound transmission through floor-ceiling assemblies and associated support structure.
  • ASTM E2179
    Standard test method for laboratory measurement of the effectiveness of floor coverings in reducing impact should transmission through concrete floors.
  • ASTM E1414
    Standard test method for airborne sound attenuation between rooms sharing a common ceiling plenum.
  • ASTM E2235
    Standard test method for determination of decay rates for use in sound insulation test methods.

Acoustical Product Certification

Intertek helps manufacturers obtain independent verification of their products’ acoustic performance through its ETL Certification program. This enhances product credibility and competitiveness in the market.

Acoustical Field Testing

Test your product in the field with our mobile and easy-to-access field acoustic team. Apparent sound transmission loss, apparent impact isolation class, apparent indoor-outdoor transmission class, apparent noise isolation class. Like our laboratory tests, test results are delivered in real time, with immediate tabular and graphical analysis of product performance.

Related Field Test Ratings:

Apparent Sound Transmission Classification (ASTC)
ASTC is a field measured rating using the test method form ASTM E336.

Outdoor/Indoor Transmission Class (OITC)
OITC is a number rating of the sound transmission loss of a constructed assembly tested with lower frequencies to represent sound typical of modes of transportation

Apparent Impact Insulation Class (AIIC)
AIIC is the insulation index of the apparent impact noise of a floor/ceiling assembly on site. Since ASTM E1007-14 and ASTM E336-14 came to affect, details have been provided on how to measure and present the results of acoustic tests carried out on site.

Noise Isolation Class (NIC)
NIC is a single number (like STC) expressing the actual degree of sound control between two adjoining areas measured at various frequency levels (pitches), on site in a building and is commonly referred to as a “Field Test”. The higher the number the better the control.

Acoustical Lab Testing

From cutting-edge sound transmission loss assessment to precise impact insulation calculations, Intertek’s accredited acoustical lab testing offers an in-depth analysis of your building materials and assemblies.

Our state-of-the-art facilities, manned by experienced professionals, deliver reliable data and comprehensive reports, ensuring your products meet acoustic performance standards and contribute to a comfortable, well-designed soundscape in your final project.

Noise and Sound Consulting

Navigate the symphony of sound in your building project with Intertek’s expert acoustic consulting. Their seasoned team, boasting over a century of combined experience, guides you from inception to completion. Leverage their site assessments, predictive modeling, and material recommendations to achieve your acoustic goals. Mockup testing verifies designs before implementation, while post-construction measurements ensure compliance and comfort. Let Intertek orchestrate the perfect soundscape for your project.

Noise Assessment

Noise assessments, also known as noise impact assessments or noise surveys, are crucial for safeguarding the well-being and safety of workers, ensuring adherence to noise regulations, and mitigating the effects of noise on nearby communities and the environment. These evaluations are crucial for understanding and managing the impact of noise produced by various sources, including industrial activities, construction, transportation, and commercial operations.

Noise Assessment Procure
The assessment procedure begins by gathering on-site observations and measurements, commonly returned in decibels (dB), which can fluctuate based on factors such as the nature of the activity, the machinery involved, and the proximity to the noise source. Noise assessments are frequently carried out to verify compliance with local, state, and federal laws and regulations that define acceptable noise thresholds for residential, commercial, and industrial zones.

Assesses Risk of Hearing Damage
In industrial and construction settings, noise assessments are essential to assess the potential risk of hearing damage to workers and determine the appropriate protective measures. In residential areas, noise assessments are conducted to ensure that noise levels from certain types of properties or activities remain within acceptable thresholds and do not adversely affect the nearby residents’ quality of life.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Noise assessments can also be included in an environmental impact assessment for real estate clients and larger development projects, typically to detect the potential negative impacts of noise on nearby animal species and ecosystems.

Noise Assessment Summary Reports
The reports our clients receive clearly summarize our findings, measurements, recommendations, and strategies for reducing or eliminating potential noise concerns. Our recommendations may consist of implementing noise barriers, modifying work schedules, or utilizing modified, alternative, or less noisy technology and equipment.

Our team is comprised of accredited and licensed professionals, with accreditations that include:

Intertek is well-equipped to address your unique needs with unparalleled expertise and a comprehensive suite of services to support your building and construction projects.

Contact us today to partner with a trusted industry leader, ready to ensure the health and safety of your employees and support your real estate development goals.

Comprehensive Acoustical Solutions

Elevate your building project’s soundscape with Intertek’s comprehensive acoustical solutions. Their team of seasoned experts, boasting over 100 years of combined experience, delivers reliable advice and solutions throughout the entire process.

From site assessments and predictive modeling to cutting-edge testing facilities and global reach, Intertek provides a one-stop shop for all your acoustical needs. Their unwavering commitment to quality ensures your project achieves optimal sound performance, fostering a comfortable, healthy, and functional environment. Choose Intertek and experience the sound difference.

Investing in quality acoustics during construction can yield significant benefits throughout a building’s lifespan. Intertek, with its comprehensive suite of acoustical services, expertise, and dedication to quality, stands as a valuable partner for architects, developers, and building owners who seek to create comfortable, healthy, and functional spaces.

Acoustical Consulting and Testing Expertise Scope of Services:

Intertek’s acoustical scope of services caters to a wide range of building projects, from residential and commercial to healthcare and educational facilities. Their key offerings include:

Acoustical Consulting
Providing expert guidance throughout the project lifecycle, from initial planning and design to construction and post-occupancy evaluation. They offer:

Site Surveys and Assessments
Assessing existing noise levels and potential noise sources to inform design decisions.

Predictive Modeling
Utilizing specialized software to predict the acoustic performance of building materials and assemblies before construction begins.

Design Support
Recommending materials, layouts, and construction techniques to achieve desired acoustic goals.

Mockup Testing
Verifying the effectiveness of proposed designs before full-scale implementation.

Post-Construction Measurements
Ensuring compliance with established standards and identifying any potential concerns.

Acoustical Testing
Intertek’s state-of-the-art testing facilities accredited by various national and international standards bodies. They offer:

Sound Transmission Loss (STL) Testing
Measuring how well walls, floors, and ceilings block sound.

Sound Absorption Testing
Determining the ability of materials to absorb sound and reduce reverberation.

Impact Sound Insulation (IIC) Testing
Assessing the noise generated by footfall on various floor structures.

Airborne Sound Insulation (STC) Testing
Measuring the ability of walls and doors to block airborne noise.

Field Testing
Performing on-site measurements to verify compliance with project specifications and regulations.