صفحه اصلی
خدمات ما
لوازم الکتریکی و الکترونیکی
مواد شیمیایی
لوازم الکتریکی
کاغذ و سلولز
مصالح ساختمانی
بازرسی قطعات خودرو
محصولات پتروشیمی
تجهیزات صنایع نفت پتروشیمی
روغن های گیاهی
طرح های ارزیابی انطباق پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح محصولات معدنی غیر فلزی و مصالح ساختمانی پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح نساجی و چرم پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح روغن و چربی های خوراکی پایش سلامت آسیا
سیستم صنعت غذا و محصولات کشاورزی پایش سلامت آسیا
سیستم ارزیابی انطباق صنعت غذا
سیستم ارزیابی انطباق محصولات کشاورزی
طرح مواد شیمیایی پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح وسایط نیرو محرکه اجزا و قطعات پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح لوازم الکتریکی و الکترونیکی پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح ارزیابی انطباق تجهیزات سرگرمی و اسباب بازی
طرح ارزیابی انطباق سایر مصنوعات
طرح ارزیابی انطباق لوازم و تجهیزات مکانیکی
طرح ارزیابی انطباق ابزار دقیق
سیستم صنایع نفت و پتروشیمی پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح خدمات پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح ارزیابی انطباق اقامت گاه ها مسافرتی)
طرح ارزیابی انطباق خانه سالمندان
طرح ارزیابی انطباق خدمات پس از فروش لوازم خانگی
طرح ارزیابی انطباق خدمات پستی
طرح ارزیابی انطباق باشگاه های ورزشی
طرح کانی های معدنی پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح ارزیابی انطباق غلات پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح تجهیزات ورزشی پایش سلامت آسیا
سیستم مدیریت و ضمانت کیفیت
تعیین ماهیت محصول
کالاهای صادراتی
مراکز اقامتی (هتل اپارتمان زایر سرا
باشگاه های ورزشی
خدمات مراکز اموزشی ابتدایی
خدمات پستی
تجهیزات ازمون مراکز معاینه فنی جاده ای
خدمات پس از فروش خودرو
کشور های ارو اسیا
Voluntary GOST R Certificate of Conformity, ST-1 (various types)
GOST R Declaration of Conformity
GOST R Certificate of Conformity
EAC Certificate of Conformity,
EAC Declaration of Conformity
letters of conformity or non-compliance with the products imported or sold by the Customer or the Customer’s clients
conclusions about the absence of alcohol,
import decisions on products containing ozone-depleting substances
FSTEC conclusions
certificate of conformity for industrial safety
safety data sheets
vehicle type approvals
certificates of state registration of products (SRS
سامانه اموزشی وعلمی
سیستم مدیریت پروژه و ارتباط با مشتری
در باره ما
اموزش علوم دامپزشکی
اموزش پدافند غیر عامل
اموزش ارزیابی انطباق
MM slash DD slash YYYY
unit name
HACCP 1.1-Hazard and Risk
A Hazard and Risk Management System including prerequisite programmes shall be implemented to identify and control food safety hazards, including allergens. This system shall be systematic, comprehensive and shall take into consideration relevant law
HACCP 1.2 Hazard and Risk management system
The scope of the Hazard and Risk Management System shall be defined per product / product category and / or per process or production step
HACCP 1.3 Hazard and Risk management system
The Hazard and Risk Management System shall be applicable to the site’s scope of activity.
HACCP 1.4 Hazard and Risk management system
The Hazard and Risk Management System shall be reviewed regularly, and in case of any change that impacts food safety.
FSM 1 Management responsibility
A clear organisational structure identifying the job functions and responsibilities of at least those employees whose activities affect food safety shall be established, implemented and maintained.
FSM 2 Management commitment and food safety culture
Evidence of the senior management’s commitment to establish, implement, maintain and continuously improve the Food Safety Management System shall be provided. This shall include elements of food safety culture, at a minimum consisting of: communication, training, feedback from employees and performance measurement on food safety related activities.
FSM 3 Management review
The senior management shall review all elements of the Food Safety Management System, including the Hazard and Risk Management System HACCP plan or HACCPbased plans regularly, and in case of any change that impacts food safety, to ensure their continuing suitability and effectiveness.
FSM 4.1 Food safety legislation
Procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure compliance with applicable legislation (both countries of production and intended sale).
FSM 5 Food Safety Management system
The elements of the Food Safety Management System shall be established, implemented, maintained and continuously improved and shall have a scope appropriate to the range of business activities to be covered.
FSM 6 Food safety policy and objectives
A clear, concise and documented food safety policy statement shall be in place, as well as measurable objectives specifying the extent of the organisation’s commitment to meet the food safety needs.
FSM 7.1 Food defence
A food defence threat assessment procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to identify potential threats and prioritise food defence measures
FSM 7.2 Food defence
A documented food defence plan shall be in place specifying the measures implemented to mitigate the public health risks from any identified food defence threats.
FSM 7.3 Food defence
This food defence plan shall be supported by the Food Safety Management System.
FSM 8.1 Food fraud
A food fraud vulnerability assessment procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to identify potential vulnerability and prioritise food fraud mitigation measures.
FSM 8.2 Food fraud
A documented food fraud plan shall be in place specifying the measures implemented to mitigate the public health risks from the identified food fraud vulnerabilities.
FSM 8.3 Food fraud
This food fraud mitigation plan shall be supported by the organisation's Food Safety Management System.
FSM 9.1 Documentation requirements
A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained for the management and control of documented information required to demonstrate the effective operation and control of processes and the Food Safety Management System
FSM 9.2.1 Documentation requirements
All the above-mentioned documented information shall be securely stored for the time period required to meet customer and legal requirements, or for a period exceeding the shelf-life of the food if customer or legal requirements are not available. It shall be effectively controlled and readily accessible when needed.
FSM 10.1 Specified requirements / Specifications
Specified requirements or specifications shall be established, implemented and maintained for all inputs to the process, including services that are purchased or provided and have an effect on food safety.
FSM 10.2 Specified requirements / Specifications
A review process of the specified requirements or specifications shall be in place.
FSM 11 Procedures
Effective procedures and instructions shall be established, implemented and maintained for all processes and operations having an effect on food safety
FSM 12 Resource management
The resources needed to establish, implement, maintain, review and improve the Food Safety Management System shall be identified and assigned.
FSM 13.1.2 Purchasing and supplier performance
A purchasing procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that all inputs to the process, including externally purchased materials and services which have an effect on food safety, conform to specified requirements or specifications as well as food safety and regulatory requirements.
FSM 13.2.1 Purchasing and supplier performance
A procedure for the evaluation, approval and continued monitoring of suppliers which have an effect on food safety shall be established, implemented and maintained. The procedure shall address procurement in emergency situations to ensure that food still conforms to the documented specified requirements or specifications, and the supplier has been evaluated. The results of evaluations, investigations and follow up actions shall be recorded.
FSM 13.3 Purchasing and supplier performance
Outsourced processes that may have an effect on food safety shall be identified and controlled. Such controls shall be documented in the Food Safety Management System.
FSM 14.1.1 Traceability
Procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure product identification from the supplier (minimum one step back) through any processes undertaken to the recipient of the food (minimum one step forward).
FSM 14.2 Traceability
Documented tests of the traceability system shall be undertaken to ensure this is operating effectively
FSM 15 Product development
Product design and development procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained for new products and changes to product or manufacturing processes to ensure safe and legal products are produced
FSM 16.1 Allergen management
An allergen management plan shall be established, implemented and maintained. This shall include a risk assessment of allergen cross contamination, implemented controls to reduce or eliminate that risk, and labelling of the food in compliance with the allergen labelling legislation in the country of intended sale.
FSM 17.1 Control of measuring and monitoring equipment / devices
The equipment / devices used to measure parameters critical to ensure food safety shall be identified
FSM 17.2 Control of measuring and monitoring equipment / devices
The identified equipment / devices shall be regularly calibrated; calibration shall be traceable to a national or international standard or method.
FSM 18.1.1 Product labelling and product information
Finished product shall be labelled to ensure safe use of food, in compliance with the applicable food safety legislation in the country of intended sale.
FSM 18.2 Product labelling and product information
When product is unlabelled, all relevant product information shall be made available to ensure the safe use of the food by the customer or consumer.
FSM 19.1 Testing
A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that analyses of food parameters critical to food safety are undertaken by competent laboratories and using appropriate sampling and testing methods and that such analyses are performed in accordance with the applicable requirements of ISO/IEC 17025.
FSM 19.3 Environmental monitoring
A risk-based approach shall be in place to define the environmental monitoring programme which shall be established, implemented and maintained to reduce the risk of food contamination.
FSM 20 Internal audit
An internal audit procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained; it shall cover all elements of the Food Safety Management System.
FSM 21 Complaint handling
A procedure for the management of complaints and complaint data shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that complaints are assessed and corrective actions implemented, when necessary
FSM 22 Serious incident management
An incident management procedure, including product withdrawal, shall be established, implemented and maintained. Withdrawal procedure shall be regularly tested for effectiveness.
FSM 23 Product release
A product release procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained.
FSM 24.1 Control of nonconformity
A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that any non-conformity impacting food safety and any non-conforming products are clearly identified and controlled to prevent unintended use or delivery.
FSM 24.2 Control of nonconformity
This procedure shall include provisions for food that is found to be damaged and / or returned from customers.
FSM 25 Corrective actions
A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained for the determination and implementation of corrective actions in the event of any significant nonconformity relating to food safety.
GMP 1 Site environment
The site shall be located and maintained to enable the reception, storage, production and distribution of safe food and to prevent its contamination.
GMP 2 Local environment
All grounds within the site shall be maintained to prevent contamination and enable the production of safe products.
GMP 3 Site design, construction, layout and flow of operations
The site, both the exterior and the interior, shall be designed, constructed and maintained to minimise food safety risks. The layout and flow of operations shall be suitable for the intended purpose and designed to minimise food safety risks.
GMP 4.1 Product contamination risk and segregation
Procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained to prevent or minimise risk of contamination and cross-contamination of purchased materials, work in progress, rework, packaging and finished product covering all aspects of food safety
GMP 4.2 Product contamination risk and segregation
Procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained to maintain product integrity and regulatory compliance regarding the disposal, resale, donation, restocking or reuse of product being salvaged or reclaimed.
GMP 5 Employee facilities
Employee facilities including hand washing and toilet facilities, and public facilities where applicable, shall be provided, designed and operated to minimise food safety risks.
GMP 6.1 Personal hygiene, protective clothing and medical screening
Documented personal hygiene standards shall be established, implemented and maintained to minimise food safety risks.
GMP 6.2 Personal hygiene, protective clothing and medical screening
Suitable protective clothing shall be provided to minimise food safety risks.
GMP 6.3 Personal hygiene, protective clothing and medical screening
A medical screening procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to identify conditions impacting food safety and that any person affected shall immediately report illness or symptoms to management, subject to legal restrictions in the country of operation.
GMP 6.4 Personal hygiene, protective clothing and medical screening
The requirements 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 shall apply to employees, contractors and visitors commensurate to their impact on food safety
GMP 7 Training
Procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that all employees are trained, and retrained as necessary to have an understanding in food safety, commensurate with their activity
GMP 8.1.1 Housekeeping, cleaning and disinfection
Procedure of housekeeping, cleaning and disinfection shall be established, implemented and maintained. Its effectiveness in minimising food safety risks shall be verified, based on the risks associated with the product or activity. Cleaning activities shall not represent a food safety risk.
GMP 8.2 Housekeeping, cleaning and disinfection
Cleaning facilities, equipment and chemical materials shall be suitable for their intended use and shall be stored and used appropriately.
GMP 10 Site inspections / checks
A programme of site inspections / checks shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure the site environment and processing equipment are maintained in a suitable condition to ensure food safety, as applicable to the activity of the site.
GMP 11 Air and water quality
Air, compressed gases, and water (including ice and steam) in any form which could impact food safety shall be regularly monitored, and adequately stored and handled in order to minimise food safety risks. Water not intended for use in food production, if available on site, shall be managed to minimise food safety risks.
GMP 12.1 Waste management
A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained for the collection, storage and disposal of waste material, including waste water and drainage.
GMP 13 Pest contro
A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to prevent, monitor and control or eliminate the risk of pest infestation at the site.
GMP 14 Reception of purchased materials
Appropriate procedures for the reception of purchased materials shall be established, implemented and maintained to assure that only materials that meet food safety requirements are accepted.
GMP 15 Transport
All containers and vehicles used for transportation in a way that could impact food safety shall be designed, constructed and maintained to minimise food safety risks. They shall be suitable for the intended purpose.
GMP 16.1 Storage
Food shall be held or stored in designated areas and handled under controlled conditions to minimise food safety risks.
GMP 17 Stock management
A procedure shall be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that purchased materials, work in progress and finished products are used in the correct order, and within the allocated shelf life when applicable.
GMP 18 Equipment
Equipment shall be suitable for the intended purpose. Equipment shall be designed, constructed, maintained, used and stored to minimise food safety risks.
GMP 19 Maintenance
Effective planned maintenance shall be in place for the site and equipment to minimise food safety risks. Maintenance activities shall not represent food safety risks