Food and agriculture
Since food products travel a long way from farm to table, they require attention, follow-up and inspection based on professional judgment. We provide a range of source-to-destination inspection services to ensure quality and improve productivity by reducing risk.
_ Meet your requirements with single-purpose or multi-purpose inspection for your agricultural and food supply chain.
_ For your consumers: create confidence from the initial point of production to the point of processing and production of the final product.
_ Interact with complex laws, including local, regional, national, and international laws and regulations for the production and trade of agricultural commodities and products.
_ Provide safe storage, transportation, packaging and distribution of goods, raw materials and finished products with quality assurance
_ Ensure quality and biosafety across various supply chains including raw and semi-manufactured food and finished products in all major food sectors.
We provide stand-alone or integrated inspection services to assist organizations involved in agrochemicals, seeds, biofuels, fertilizers, farm machinery and equipment, financial and insurance industries, storage, processing equipment and construction logistics. We provide fresh products for the market and ready-to-eat food products. With strategic data review, collateral management, audit and certification, testing and analytical services, inspection, technical certification solutions, and personnel training, we can drive transformation. Let’s be your organization and help the culture of quality and sustainable development.