صفحه اصلی
خدمات ما
لوازم الکتریکی و الکترونیکی
مواد شیمیایی
لوازم الکتریکی
کاغذ و سلولز
مصالح ساختمانی
بازرسی قطعات خودرو
محصولات پتروشیمی
تجهیزات صنایع نفت پتروشیمی
روغن های گیاهی
طرح های ارزیابی انطباق پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح محصولات معدنی غیر فلزی و مصالح ساختمانی پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح نساجی و چرم پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح روغن و چربی های خوراکی پایش سلامت آسیا
سیستم صنعت غذا و محصولات کشاورزی پایش سلامت آسیا
سیستم ارزیابی انطباق صنعت غذا
سیستم ارزیابی انطباق محصولات کشاورزی
طرح مواد شیمیایی پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح وسایط نیرو محرکه اجزا و قطعات پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح لوازم الکتریکی و الکترونیکی پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح ارزیابی انطباق تجهیزات سرگرمی و اسباب بازی
طرح ارزیابی انطباق سایر مصنوعات
طرح ارزیابی انطباق لوازم و تجهیزات مکانیکی
طرح ارزیابی انطباق ابزار دقیق
سیستم صنایع نفت و پتروشیمی پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح خدمات پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح ارزیابی انطباق اقامت گاه ها مسافرتی)
طرح ارزیابی انطباق خانه سالمندان
طرح ارزیابی انطباق خدمات پس از فروش لوازم خانگی
طرح ارزیابی انطباق خدمات پستی
طرح ارزیابی انطباق باشگاه های ورزشی
طرح کانی های معدنی پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح ارزیابی انطباق غلات پایش سلامت آسیا
طرح تجهیزات ورزشی پایش سلامت آسیا
سیستم مدیریت و ضمانت کیفیت
تعیین ماهیت محصول
کالاهای صادراتی
مراکز اقامتی (هتل اپارتمان زایر سرا
باشگاه های ورزشی
خدمات مراکز اموزشی ابتدایی
خدمات پستی
تجهیزات ازمون مراکز معاینه فنی جاده ای
خدمات پس از فروش خودرو
کشور های ارو اسیا
Voluntary GOST R Certificate of Conformity, ST-1 (various types)
GOST R Declaration of Conformity
GOST R Certificate of Conformity
EAC Certificate of Conformity,
EAC Declaration of Conformity
letters of conformity or non-compliance with the products imported or sold by the Customer or the Customer’s clients
conclusions about the absence of alcohol,
import decisions on products containing ozone-depleting substances
FSTEC conclusions
certificate of conformity for industrial safety
safety data sheets
vehicle type approvals
certificates of state registration of products (SRS
سامانه اموزشی وعلمی
سیستم مدیریت پروژه و ارتباط با مشتری
در باره ما
اموزش علوم دامپزشکی
اموزش پدافند غیر عامل
اموزش ارزیابی انطباق
Section 1 general Qualification
work experience
Demonstrate knowledge
understanding of Fish and Fish products
ability to manage relations with colleagues and clients
Verification mechanism
Previous employers reference letter
cab appraisal
diploma or certificate
conformation of previous work experience
section 2
the ability to apply appropriate principles procedures and techniques to the planning and execution of different audits so that audits are conducted in a consistent and systematic manner
be able to verify the accuracy of collected information and be aware of the significance and appropriateness of audit evidence to support audit finding and conclusions
understand and assess those factors that can affect the reliability of the audit findings and conclusions.
Section 3
.prior to conducting MSC coc audits pass MSC s Coc online training and re take this course at least once every 3 years CFO audit also Pass CFO online traing module and retake every three years
pass the MSc auditor training on update to coc program documents prior to audits against new requirements
c Review any updates to the Coc requirements at least annually competencies The ability to
Describe the eligibility intent and requirements of the different versions of the Coc standard
describes the main steps in an Msc coc audit
determine who needs chain of custody and demonstrate this practically
demonstrates an understanding of how the scheme s database can be used to extract relevant information and the information required for entry into this database
identifies and assess potential risks to traceability during food production distribution preparation storage trading and transportation throughout the chain.
Demonstrate an understanding Haccp ot other
assesses the effectiveness of traceability systems employed by organizations
assesses the adequacy of records verified part of the audit
recognizes the risks of compromising traceability associated with different seafood species and activates
describe how to
. conduct an audit when certified products is not on site
conduct a remote audit
demonstrate an understanding of how to grade non conformities and the causes of a certificate suspension and withdrawal
. the main steps in the fisheries assessment process
where to find sources of information about which fish can enter chains of custody fishery agreements and how this impacts eligibility of certified products and which parties are eligible to handle under-
for CFO auditors
demonstrate an understanding of the coc cfo standard
describe the key steps in a MSC CoC CFO audit
determ ine the appropriate sample size for consumer-facing site audits at initial and surveillance audit
section 4
a. Have undertaken 4 initial or surveillance on site MSC CoC audits or audits for equivalent standards
For new CoC auditors
witness or participate in 2 on site MSC CoC audits or audits for equivalent standrads9GFSI-approved golobal Gap aquaculture standard and Iso 22000) and
conduct at least 2 satisfactory on site MS coc audits or audits for auditors prior to undertaking solo audits
Section 5
Qualifications a. Should participate in 3 msc coc audits every 18 months which can include the audits listed in section 4 above
Competencies ability to
Identify the information required for undertaking and completing each audit Reconcile document discrepancies and investigate the causes of these Detect commonly used methods of document manipulation fraudulent actions and fraudulent practices
Section 6
A has been peer witnessed by a qualified CoC lead auditor during by a qualified CoC lead auditor during an MSC COC audit or an audit for equivalent standards that include a significant component of traceability
This must be done at least once 3 year period where peer witness may be part of the audit team
Section 7
communication and sakeholder facilitation Experience in applying different types of interviewing and facilitation techniques Ability to effectively communicate with client and other sakeholders
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